Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors in 2024: 8 Proven Strategies

 “Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone.”

– KB Marketing Agency.

These lines ring true for businesses looking to acquire new customers and scale their online growth. If you want to successfully create a solid business presence as a financial advisor in the digital marketplace, you need a rock-solid digital marketing strategy.

Waking up one day and deciding to start a website or social media channel wouldn’t work. Because it requires planning. If you are a financial advisor searching for some pro tips on digital marketing for self-promotion and came across our article, let’s not waste time. These are the eight proven digital marketing strategies for financial advisors tailored by the experts of Search Engine Publication

8 Proven digital marketing strategies for financial advisors

Quality is the best kind of advertising.

As a financial advisor, marketing only works when the service has value. The next step is showcasing and proving your abilities to customers. Here’s you can ace digital marketing for financial advisors:

1. Social media is your go-to tool

Around 62% of people in the world use social media. So, what are you waiting for? Having a strong presence on social media makes your financial advisory business the talk of the town. 

Social media becomes a lively gathering spot where advisors can showcase what they know best and chat with people, building trust and rapport. It’s not just about posting updates; it’s about creating a community where learning and support go hand in hand.

For instance, financial advisors might take to LinkedIn to publish articles that demystify complex financial concepts or share success stories that highlight their approach to solving common financial challenges. This showcases their expertise and stimulates engaging discussions within their network.

Instagram could become a canvas for advisors, where they visually share tips on saving, investing, or even snippets of their daily professional life. This approach makes financial advice more approachable and relatable, fostering a sense of trust and rapport with the audience.

Look at how Ellevest uses Instagram to help women in their financial journey. 

Social media for financial advisors | Search Engine Publication
Social media for financial advisors

They provide customers with images & posts inspiring their followers.

Advisors build a brand about genuine connection and expert guidance with each post and conversation. Social media stands out as the friendly tool advisors need to make their mark and enrich their customer’s financial journeys

Pro-tip: You don’t have to stay active on all platforms. Just select one or two and focus on them. Twitter and LinkedIn are social media platforms suitable for targeting people aged 40-50. You can share retirement plans and investment tips to attract customers who seek professional financial advisors. 

Instagram is for targeting GenZ, who are looking for money management strategies. Facebook can be considered a common place for new clients. Focus on one or two channels for your social media marketing.

2. Search engine marketing (SEM) is a must

SEM is a paid version of search engine optimization that increases your visibility whenever someone searches a specific keyword.

Investing in SEM is an effective digital marketing strategy.  Whenever a client searches for a keyword relevant to your business, your name appears at the top of SERPs. Here’s an example of how SEM works:

If you choose the keyword “top financial advisor,” your profile will be shown at the top of Google search results. With all the reviews and your contact information. You can add your experience information and the link to your official website.

Search engine marketing for financial advisors | Search Engine Publication
Search engine marketing for financial advisors

 Search engine marketing becomes effective in achieving the trust of potential clients.

Tip: The keywords are the most important part of this strategy. So make sure you choose your keyword as precise as possible! Give importance to making the ad copy shown in the SERPs.

3. A website that converts

An official website is like your office, showcasing your skills, qualifications, capabilities, and success. You can present your services in detail.

 As a financial advisor, the website is the most effective part of digital marketing. Clients can get a brief overview of your brand through a website and connect with you directly.

A perfect website increases clients’ trust, and an SEO-optimized website helps you with visibility.

Let’s understand using an example. We love Birch Street Financial Advisors website.

Content marketing | Search Engine Publication
Content marketing for financial advisors

Birch Street Financial Advisors captivates customers with its website, featuring an authentic homepage image and a user-friendly design. The standout feature of their site is the “Case Studies” section.

This section uses customer stories to showcase the impact of their services, offering a vivid demonstration of what they can achieve for their clients. Through an in-depth exploration of specific cases, Birch Street Financial Advisors paints a detailed picture of their offerings, granting clients and prospects a comprehensive understanding of the outcomes of partnering with them.

Among the featured case studies, they delve into scenarios such as a couple in the “Gearing Up” phase towards retirement, another couple on the brink of retirement, and a situation exploring the concept of work being optional.

For these reasons, we’re stressing the importance of a website that converts visitors into long-term clients.

Pro-tip: Adding relevant articles to your site effectively makes your website appear in search results. 

5. SEO to reach your local client base

Digital marketing can’t be complete without SEO. Search engine optimization is the magic spell for your visibility online. Better visibility in search results will allow clients to acknowledge your service.

As a financial advisor, your priority is to be found in the digital market. Your website and posts should be made easily accessible. And SEO will make it happen!

SEO is a technique where you implement keywords and other SEO tactics like HTML tags, homepage, landing page, meta descriptions, published articles, blog posts, videos, and images.

If you have a website or a blog, no matter how well and valuable it is, it doesn’t appear in search results, your clients won’t have a sufficient chance of knowing about it. 

There are many SEO implementation tactics. Read our article – How Long Does SEO Take to Work? (Plus How to Achieve it Faster)

If you want to get a leg up in attracting clients right in your backyard, diving into local SEO can make all the difference. Imagine this: when someone pops “financial advice in California” into their search bar instead of the more generic “financial advice,” having your business pop up as the go-to option is a game-changer. 

It’s like rolling out the red carpet for local leads and revenue to find their way to you. Focus on your local SEO and watch your local visibility soar!

 Key points to active local SEO

  • Set up the GMB (Google My Business) listing. It will allow your business to appear in Google Maps.
  • Set your GMB profile perfectly. You must set your contact information, schedule hours, website link, and address.
  • NAP (Business Name, Address, and Phone Number) information is all the same on all your websites and other platforms.
  • Add keywords that your local clients search for.
Local SEO | Search Engine Publication

Pro-tip: Use SEO tools to find keywords and optimize your websites, blogs, and social media posts. You can also hire an SEO specialist to help and guide you through the process.

Related article: Unlock the Power of Restaurant SEO with These 8 Tips

6. Content marketing is more about writing content

Who’s got the bandwidth to juggle writing articles, crafting social media posts, and everything in between? It might seem like a Herculean task, but the “content goldmine approach” is a game changer.

Pick a topic you have mastery in. It could be the ins and outs of tax planning and teaching about the art of saving for college students. Next, pour that wealth of knowledge into creating an ebook, in-depth video, or webinar. 

For example, the Nerd Wallet blog epitomizes content marketing done right.

Content marketing for financial advisors| Search Engine Publication
Content marketing for financial advisors| Search Engine Publication

For this reason, NerdWallet is one of the top websites for giving financial tips, and millions of Americans trust it.

Everything from which cards give the best bonuses to which student loan offers the best interest rates. And everything in between.

Their ability to identify what issues their prospective clients might face in the real world and help solve them makes them top financial advisors.

While replicating the same, success may be challenging. Start with a blog that solves your clients’ finance-related problems. They’ll consider using your services only when you give them free and useful advice.

Your digital marketing efforts will attract clients to your site and get them to exchange their contact details for your wisdom happily.

But here’s where the real magic happens. You take that comprehensive resource and break it down into bite-sized pieces. The marketing world calls it repurposing your content. 

Imagine you’ve got a 10-chapter guide investment tips for beginners – that’s ten ready-to-go blog posts. 

And it doesn’t stop; each blog post is a treasure trove, offering up to four social media posts as you pull out eye-catching stats, memorable quotes, and more. Before you know it, you’ll be spinning content gold without even thinking about it.  

That’s why content marketing is so effective, and we cannot stress its importance.

 Pro-tip: Analyze your target audience’s problems and solve them to earn more customers in the future.  

7. Webinars are the secret to increasing your conversion rate

Webinars have become a game-changer for financial advisors looking to reel those quality leads and grow their circle. 

Imagine this: you’re a financial advisor, and you decide to host a webinar. Now, you’re not just sharing your wisdom on money matters over coffee; you’re reaching out to folks far and wide, right from their living rooms or offices. It’s like hosting a friendly seminar, but in pajamas, if you wish!

This kind of setup is perfect for breaking the ice and building trust. Why? Because it’s interactive. You get to answer questions on the spot, run quick polls, and get a feel of your audience is thinking—all in real time. This makes everyone feel more connected and engaged, boosting their chances of wanting to hear more from you.

With webinars, you no longer have to worry about where your attendees live. They can be lounging on a beach in Bali or taking a break in a cafe in Paris. This opens up a new world of opportunities to connect with prospective clients.

As a financial advisor, webinars allow you to strut your stuff. You get to showcase your unique approach to navigating the financial landscape, offering valuable insights that cater directly to the needs and interests of your audience. It’s your chance to shine and show why you stand out.

Pro-tip: The content from these webinars doesn’t just disappear into the ether. You can repurpose it. Turn that webinar into on-demand videos, whip up informative blog posts, or sprinkle highlights across your social media. Your webinar keeps giving, helping you reach even more people and generate those all-important leads.

Related article: Digital Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing: Which is Best in 2024?

8. Email marketing for quality leads

Email marketing is a gem for financial advisors, helping them shine in their customer’s inboxes. It’s all about staying connected, sharing wisdom, and building trust that grows your business.

But here’s the thing: effective email marketing is more than just jotting down your thoughts and clicking “send.” There’s an art to it.

Email marketing is like your secret handshake. It’s budget-friendly, has a wide reach, and lets you get personal with your audience. Imagine whispering financial tips directly into someone’s ear—that’s email marketing for you.

Most advisors agree that top priorities are keeping clients happy, boosting sales, and snagging new leads. And email marketing? It’s your trusty sidekick in achieving these goals.

Picture this: you’re at a party. You would need more than just walking up to someone and discussing retirement plans, right? There’s a proper way to achieve these things.

  1. The Casual Hello: First, you catch their attention with a social media post or a snazzy article.
  2. The Friendly Chat: They’re curious now. They’ve given you a nod (or, in this case, their email). Time to share a bit more about what you do, maybe through a fun newsletter.
  3. Getting Serious: They’re leaning in, listening. Now’s your chance to show how you can help them with emails tailored to their needs.

Understanding where your prospects are at—just browsing, seriously considering, or ready to dive in—helps you tailor your emails to fit just right.

Email marketing is your golden ticket to customer relationship bliss to make those inboxes happier!

Tips: When executing an email campaign, create a segmented list and set clear goals to clean your email list. Convey simple but impactful messages in emails. 

Is digital marketing for financial advisors important?

Digital marketing strategy is important for any business in this modern era!

As a financial advisor, if you plan to get more and better-qualified prospects, you must start your marketing journey with digital marketing. 

The eight digital marketing strategies for financial advisors. If you think we can add one or two more strategies, let us know in the comment section.

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